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  • Writer's pictureVoces Unidas de las Montañas

Colorado Latino Exit Poll will provide key insights on 2022 midterm elections

As we reach the finish line for the 2022 midterm elections, Voces Unidas de las Montañas and Voces Unidas Action Fund are hard at work gathering information on voter preferences and attitudes that will be released next Thursday, Nov. 10 as part of our first-ever Colorado Latino Exit Poll.

Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR), COLOR Action Fund, and Protégete of Conservation Colorado have partnered with us on the Colorado Latino Exit Poll, which is being conducted by BSP Research, a national firm with a 20-year track record of researching minority communities.

This statewide survey of 600 Latino and Latina voters, with an oversample in the new 8th Congressional District, will provide critical insights into the views of a critical demographic in the 2022 midterms. CD8, created as a result of population gains in the state from 2010-2020, is of particular interest given it was created last year as the state’s most diverse — where nearly 4 in 10 residents (38.5%) are Hispanic/Latino. The next-closest is CD1, which encompasses Denver, at 27.8%.

The Colorado Latino Exit Poll will be conducted bi-annually to help bolster our research around the attitudes and policy preferences of Latino and Latina voters — the state’s second-largest and fastest-growing ethnic voting bloc.

It is one of several tools we’ve developed as part of our efforts to listen to and lift up the voices of Latino and Latina voters in the state. Seventeen years ago, leaders of our organization helped launch the annual Latino Advocacy Day (LAD) to mobilize Latinos and educate lawmakers at the Colorado state capitol. Two years ago, Voces Unidas launched the annual Colorado Latino Policy Agenda (CLPA) -- informed by the largest-ever statewide polls of Latino voters -- to provide insight into views on pressing policy, political, and other relevant issues. And last May, we held our first-ever Latino Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C., to focus attention on federal lawmakers and issues at the national level.



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