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Writer's pictureVoces Unidas de las Montañas

CLEAP: Day 4 recap

Civic Leader Education & Advocacy Program (CLEAP) participants spent day 4 in Mexico City meeting with Mexican federal lawmakers and representatives of Mexico's federal government.

On the agenda for Thursday, July 6:

Participants began their morning at the Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro to meet with federal lawmaker, Diputado Mario Alberto Torres of Veracruz (Morena), one of several migrant lawmakers serving in Mexico's federal legislative arm.

The Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior executive director, Julieta Muñoz, hosted our group at the Secretary of Foreign Affairs building for a work session to discuss the services being offered via Mexico's vast consular network across the U.S.

Voces Unidas hosted a reception and working lunch at the Hilton Reforma with special guests, Federal Senator Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín of Yucatán (PRI), Diputada Federal Olga Leticia Chávez Rojas of Nuevo León (Morena) and Diputado Federal Mario Alberto Torres of Veracruz (Morena) and other special guests. Participants had an opportunity to ask questions about the militarization of Mexico's borders, human rights abuses experienced by Central American migrants while in Mexico, and how Mexico is preparing to deal with forced displacement due to climate change.

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