At Voces Unidas, we believe that those most impacted by inequitable systems should be the ones informing policy changes.
This is why Voces Unidas is hosting the first-ever Latina and Latino community forum in the Roaring Fork Valley. Fifty-plus community members and representatives of Latino-created and Latino-led organizations will spend a full day together to identify local issues and community-informed policy solutions that can help guide our collective legislative priorities in 2022 and beyond.
Voces Unidas is partnering with statewide organizations like COLOR, the Latino Caucus, ProtƩgete and others to develop the first-ever statewide Latina and Latino policy platform that will identify regional issues and community-informed legislative priorities. To develop this statewide policy platform, the coalition is using feedback and data from a first-ever poll of 1,000 Latino registered voters, a first-ever statewide Latino grassroots leader survey and several in-person regional meetings across the state.
The end result will be a policy platform informed by Latinas and Latinos from all across Colorado. This feedback will help inform policy priorities for individual organizations like Voces Unidas and for coalition work like the Latino Advocacy Day programing in 2022.
Click here to read more about our 2021 legislative wins.