Voces Unidas de las Montañas’ recently-launched “Vote For Our Colorado/Vota Por Nuestro Colorado” campaign paid dividends on Election Day, as Latina and Latino voters made their voices heard loud and clear on how we expect our schools, cities, state, and federal government to serve our community.
The impact of the nonpartisan outreach campaign designed to engage Latina and Latino voters in the central-mountain region of Colorado was evident throughout the 2022 election, as turnout around the region helped secure the success of nearly all the ballot measures our organization supported. Among them are new statutes guaranteeing access to free, nutritious school lunches for all Colorado students; a portion of future state tax refunds earmarked for new affordable housing programs like down payment assistance and workforce housing; and new lodging taxes approved by several counties and municipalities in the central mountains dedicated to funding affordable housing programs.
The “Vote For Our Colorado/Vota Por Nuestro Colorado” campaign included an unprecedented targeted digital campaign that reached more than 1 million ad impressions and 120,000 video views while targeting 25,000 Latino voters in the region before Election Day on Nov. 8. Voces Unidas also made 23,176 bilingual phone calls targeting 11,588 Latino voters in the central mountains and sent a total of 4 nonpartisan mail pieces targeting 13,191 Latino voters in the region.
The campaign also included a new website, which served as a hub for voter information in both English and Spanish to help people participate in our democracy. It’s just one more way our nonpartisan efforts helped increase Latino voter engagement and turnout in the region.